There is a type of dream life we experience when we are awake. I'm not talking about lucid dreams, although that is another dream phenomenon that is as useful as it is fascinating. In this case I am talking about coincidences and synchronicity. These are the things in life that happen that stirs up something inside of us and draws our attention to it because the timing and/or relationship is striking to us. What we are noticing is the feeling associated with the idea that everything in life is ultimately connected.
This can sometimes feel like a "chicken or egg" scenario, which came first? We will sometimes dream and then see an image from our dream right after that. On the contrary, we will sometimes see someone or something that then makes its way into our dreams. We often write this off as a mere chance. We may even say, "oh that's funny" and dismiss it.
I propose that there is something deeper at play here. From a Jungian perspective, we might say that our subconscious is making this connection. Whether we are asleep or awake, it is working on our behalf to draw our attention to the symbols and images that can help us the most with taking the next step in our lives.
Your subconscious seeks opportunities in the waking world for synchronicity because those things can grab your attention and be studied as symbols. It's as if your subconscious is scanning your experiences for the right symbol to use and when it finds it, boom!, it edits it into your dreams and experiences so you will have the opportunity to work with it.
In some cases, you may experience synchronicity in your waking life as a series of related experiences that are worth noting simply because they have grabbed your attention. We give energy to what we notice. What can we learn or open ourselves to if we look at these circumstances as a "sign," as a wink from the universe? What they they be saying or asking of us?
Here is a story for you:
When going through a hard time in life, there were a number of times when I would get into my car or enter some other place with a radio and the song "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley would come on. If you're not familiar with the song, one of the main lyrics is, "Every little thing, is gonna be all right."
This always seemed to happen at the right time when I really needed to hear it and it happened enough times that it seemed to be a "thing."
Fast forward five years, when I am living in Argentina. I'm living in a shared house with eight other people on a lake in Patagonia. My nephew has just been born and we know that he will be having open heart surgery the first week of his life for a rare condition.
It was killing me not to be in California to be there for all of this. I woke up that morning and wrote on the chalkboard wall something along the lines of, "My nephew was born! Please send good energy his way as he has surgery!"
Later that day, I noticed that one of my housemates had drawn three birds next to my message. I immediately thought of the song, "every little thing is gonna be all right" and it gave me a little bit of peace.
I headed up the mountain to my happy place where I would do a lot of thinking, writing, wishing and dreaming. I said out loud, "Please just give me a sign that he will be okay."
Just then, three condors soared out from behind the peak I was looking at. As it turns out, condors are anything but little, with an average nine foot wingspan. But they are special, majestic birds. I took it as a BIG sign that everything would work out.
That was one year ago and I am so happy to report, the song and the condors were correct. My nephew was a complete legend in surgery and is 100 percent healthy today... and one of the happiest babies I've ever seen.
In this case, the message was to trust. There was not anything I could physically do from afar, but I could visualize the best outcome and trust. I have found it does make a difference.
There's actually more of this phenomena happening all of the time, we just have to open ourselves up to noticing it. It can be a challenge in a busy world with things stimulating our senses and fighting for our attention. It becomes a choice and a practice, just like working with our night dreams.
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